Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Importance of Staying Well VS Getting Well

FACT- It is easier to stay well, than to get well!

"It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them."- Ben Franklin. This is why I often cringe when people say to me with pride, "I have never been to the chiropractor, because I never have any pain."  First, I am happy for anyone who has had a trauma-free life so far, however, we all have pain at sometime. From the moment we are born, we begin to die. We begin accumulating small traumas starting the day we are yanked from the womb, learning to walk, falling off our bike, doing that repetitive motion on the assembly line, or sitting for hours at our work desk. Maybe, we "slept wrong" and have a kink, stiff back from office work or aches for days after weekend warrior activity. None of these may be debilitating, but they all add up to a pattern of dysfunction in the body.

I can't tell you how many times one of those same people finally comes in for a screening and as I am checking their spine they tell me, "Oh, I didn't realize that I hurt there." I know you are wondering, "Dr. Laura, what's your point?" Trust me, this is not one of those "I told you so" moments. My point is to demonstrate that it's not that you don't have any aches or pains, but that you get used to how you feel and you don't know any different. After that same person receives a few treatments they are amazed at how much better they feel. Some people even comment on how much better they sleep or have less indigestion- issues that they did not even think they had before they realized how much better it could (and should) be. When the spine is aligned, the nervous system functions better, and what does the nervous system control? Everything! The brain, spinal cord, every muscle, organ and cell in the body!!

Now, maybe you are wondering how maintaining spinal alignment really helps? Think of the spine like a water hose. When a vertebra loses motion (gets out of alignment) it begins to get inflamed, which causes some swelling. You may not have pain, but may feel stiff. This swelling causes nerve compression. Just like stepping on the hose reduces water flow, the nerve loses it's ability to send and receive messages. Over time, the areas (muscles, organs, cells) supplied by the nerve also receive less messages, so they do not function as well. Other muscles or systems begin to compensate for the loss, thus causing a chain reaction of dysfunction. One day, when that person bends over to pick up that pencil and their back goes "out", it was all those years adding up to one event when the weak link finally broke.

Unfortunately, many insurances (such as Medicare) do not like to pay for what they term "wellness care." This has led many to refer to insurance as "sick care", and has turned many people reactive, rather than proactive. I can tell you, that waiting for the day something goes "out", will cost you far more than a few visits a year. Pain, loss of work or social activities, travel expenses for multiple visits and possible more, especially if you have a high deductible plan. This is not a scare tactic, it is a simple truth!
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Henry de Bacton

One final question: ask yourself, what comes first, the symptom or the disease? Answer: the disease. Without the disease process, there would be no symptoms. Sometimes, if we are lucky (and we are paying attention), we get an early warning sign. However, many never get that luxury, one day waking up to full blown conditions or never waking up again. That is why it is important to take care of yourself everyday with diet, exercise, mental and physical health. Physical health includes keeping your spine well aligned.
Please don't use the excuse, "Once you go, you always have to go." Refer to my earlier blog titled "Chiropractic Myths." Chiropractors are not just "back doctors" who "crack" you. We address the chemical, emotional and physical componenets that cause pain and disease. We are spine specialists and wellness consultants whose main objective is to allow the most incredible machine ever made (the body) to function the way it was intended so that you may enjoy a better, longer quality of life, naturally!

Start living life to the fullest- Schedule an appointment with a Doctor of Chiropractic today!

Dr. Laura McChesney
Chiropractic Physician