Thursday, November 10, 2011


While I utilize several different treatments for the benefit of my patients, I am often asked about the Activator Method. They want to know how it works, if it is effective, and what the heck I am doing with their feet all the time?

First, I would like to point out that there is a difference between having an Activator, and being rated in the Activator Method. Many doctors own an adjusting instrument and refer to them as an Activator. Doctors who practice the Activator method attend seminars regularly and are tested to receive the ratings. These doctors are listed on the Activator Method website noted at the end of this article.

 The method is a step-by-step way to assess the spine and  relies on the body telling the doctor what it wants. I check a patients leg length to determine a short leg (not an antomical short leg, one that pulls short due to muscle contraction aka: functional). I balance the pelvis, then ask the patient to perform specific movements. Each one is related to a specific spinal segment. All the while, I am looking for changes in leg length. There are two leg positions, down and flexed to 90 degrees. Each will tell me what side and segment the body says needs attenion and an adjustment will be made using the instrument placed accordingly. Think of it this way, when you try to move in a direction that causes some pain or restriction, you send an "ouch" signal to the brain that will unconsciously make you pull away or muscles contract. That is what causes the leg to shorten. When moved into the direction of relief, it relaxes and evens out. This is done up the spine with focus on complaint areas. The end goal is for the feet to be level and the spine aligned when we are done. This creates balance from the feet to the head so that the body may function as intended.


WHAT IS IT? "Activator Methods International, Ltd. (AMI) has been providing chiropractic care, resources and training since 1967. The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a gentle, low-force approach to chiropractic care. The technique has been used safely on patients of all ages since the late 1960s, bringing relief to people with a variety of health concerns." It uses an instrument to deliver the adjustment instead of the hand. There are two levels of rating that doctors can train to achieve: Proficient and Advance Proficient.

"AMI has published clinical and scientific peer-reviewed papers beyond that of most chiropractic analytical treatment procedures. AMI’s mechanical force, manually-assisted adjusting instrument is recognized and covered by Medicare. The number of licensed professionals trained in the Activator Method is approximately 150,000 worldwide, making it the most widely used low-force chiropractic technique in the world. The Activator Method and the associated Activator Adjusting Instrument represent the only instrument adjusting technique with clinical trials to support their efficacy."

 "Incorporating the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations, this unique system of administering spinal adjustments using research-based analysis and the Activator Adjusting Instrument can help restore spinal balance safely and comfortably.The Activator provides a controlled, fast thrust that is comfortable for the patient. In fact, adjustments with the Activator are so quick and measured, the body’s muscles are less likely to resist, allowing for a more precise and accurate adjustment. By restoring spinal balance, chiropractic care aids the body in healing itself. And the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique accomplishes this goal through safe, effective and gentle low-force adjustments."

"Patients from all ages can enjoy the benefits of an Activator adjustment. The technique is especially helpful for children who sometimes have trouble laying still. The Activator adjustment is so quick and comfortable, children often look forward to their next visit! Older patients, or those with arthritis, osteoporosis or other bone-weakening conditions find the Activator Method to be effective and gentle. The low-force thrust of the Activator Adjusting Instrument, and the doctor’s ability to pin point the exact location of the problem through Activator analysis, can relieve a patient’s pain without discomfort."

"Though some believe that chiropractic care is intended to relieve neck and back pain, this form of therapy has more far-reaching benefits. A wide variety of health problems stem from spinal imbalance and dysfunction of the spinal joint and nervous system. Everyday living, stress and old injuries can cause vertebrae to lose their proper position or motion. This dysfunction can irritate your nervous system, causing pain and nerve interference throughout the body."

I am not just a provider, I am a patient and believer in the benefits of Activator Method. While no technique fixes all problems or serves all people, this one is worthy of a try by those who have not responded to other treatments, are afraid of adjustments, are sensitive to overstimulation, are fragile, or do not like manual manipulation.

Treats conditions such as: neck/back/jaw/extremity pains, carpal tunnel, TMJD, sciatica, whiplash, herniated disc, headaches, sacro-iliac pain and much more.

No matter which technique you choose GET ADJUSTED TODAY- you may be surprised at how great you will feel and wonder why you didn't do it sooner

Yours in health,

Dr. Laura McChesney, DC
Chiropractic Physician
Advanced Proficiency Rated Activator Physician
Ocala and Trenton, FL

All statments taken from Activator website:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

MY HOW THE TIMES HAVE CHANGED! October Is National Chiropractic Month

My how the times have changed! People used to seek chiropractic care for back, neck and extremity pain due to manual labor, weekend warriors or working in their yard. Now they come due to aches and pains from sitting and playing on their phone. Of course, I am being a little sarcastic (not much, though). Many patients are still active and have overuse injuries and sprains from activity/work, but there is a new, overwhelming trend in healthcare. Patients seeking care due to overuse injuries and pains from using technology. OCTOBER IS NATIONAL CHIROPRACTIC MONTH and this year, the American Chiropractic Association's theme is Get Technohealthy! This means that our focus is to educate people on the hazardous health effects that may occur from using technology.

  • "In 2008, almost 162 million smart phones were sold, surpassing laptop sales for the first time.
  • More text messages are sent per phone than phone calls. The average number of text messages per month per phone is 357 compared with 204 cell phone calls.
  • A study at the University of Queensland in Australia found that text messaging is the most addictive digital service on mobile or Internet, and is equivalent in addictiveness to cigarette smoking. "*
While we still treat headaches, back, neck and extremity pain, more and more of it is coming from poor posture due to bad office ergonomics, sitting long hours, staring at screens and lack of movement/stretching/exercise. Certainly, this also contributes to America's ever rising obesity problem, but that is another discussion.

Well, I say out with the old and in with the new:
                OLD                                                      NEW
        Golfer's elbow                                       Cell phone elbow
        Runner's knee                                        Blackberry (or Gamer's) thunb
        Phone neck                                           Texter's neck
        Back pain from lifting                             Back pain from sitting
        Loss of height from age                          Loss of height from slumping at the computer (posture)
        Headaches from sun                              Headaches from monitors/screens
        Proper lifting/reaching posture                Proper sitting/computer/phone posture

Though somethings stay the same, such as Carpal Tunnel (or similar symptoms), there are just many more occurences. Instead of knitting or factory work, it is caused by using the mouse or keyboard.

Chiropractors are well suited to deal with these ever changing musculo-skeletal problems.
Following a thorough exam, we start with spinal manipulation to remove restrictions, aligning the spine and allowing it to move properly. Next, incorporate muscle (myofascial) work to remove scar tissue and stretch the muscles. Muscles move bones, so if balance is not restored, the muscles will pull the bones back out of alignment. Then, we instruct patients in stabilization/strengthening exercises to help maintain corrections, and educate the patient about the cause and solution to their specific problem. This hands on approach not only restore bodily function and balance, but it also informs the patient of what they do everyday that is causing their pain, and what they can do to fix it. After that, it is all up to you!

So, unplug, get up, get out, walk/exercise/stretch at least every hour, reduce glare on your monitor, use proper posture and ask a professional to help you set up your home/work station properly.

"Modern technology such as smart phones and texting is bringing people together in new ways…but it also has the potential to take a toll on our bodies and our health. As experts in ergonomics, doctors of chiropractic can help their patients use technology safely, avoiding unnecessary injury and strain, or treat the aches and pains that may already exist. Being TechnoHealthy also means knowing when to unplug and reconnect with the world around you through exercise and other wellness activities."*

Help Spread the Word!     Click here for more ways to get Technohealthy!

Yours in health,

Laura McChesney, D.C.

*Referenced from the website

Monday, August 29, 2011

Better Posture for a Better Life

Just what is posture, as it refers to the body? "A position of the body or of body parts: a sitting posture. An attitude; a pose: assumed a posture of angry defiance. A characteristic way of bearing one's body; carriage: stood with good posture. A frame of mind affecting one's thoughts or behavior; an overall attitude."* Simply put, it is a position and an attitude. You can tell alot about a person through their posture. You can see if someone is in pain, if they are confident, in a bad mood and some people are professional posture readers (body language). Posture tells us many things and it is constantly changing.  Many of us could not get into a "good" posture if we tried, due to all the work we have put into "bad" posture. At some point in our lives, most of us have probably been told to "stop slouching!" Turns out, that was better advice than imagined.
Studies now show that there are correlations between posture and life expectancy. One study over 20 years shows that loss of height is related to earlier death. This refers to disk height and increased upper thoracic spine humping (kyphosis). Those losing over 3 cm increased risk 64% over those with 1 cm loss. ^ This is mainly related to increased cardiovascular compromise and lack of oxygen due to stooped posture. The farther you forward flex (slump) your spine forward, it compresses the heart and decreases the distance the rib cage and diaphragm are able to expand, allowing less oxygen in. This affects all tissues and organs in the body. Excessive kyphosis of the thoracic spine is often related to osteoporosis, but it increasingly common in the younger popluation due to the obsession with computers, texting, gaming and sitting long hours.
Another four year study shows that increased forward head posture also reduces life expectancy for the same reasons.** Did you  know that every inch you push your head forward, increases the weight of it on your spine by 10lbs?  This also affects balance. Your head usually weighs between 8-10 lbs. and it sits on your spine (kind of like a melon on a stick). It is held onto your spine by many muscles big and small. Increasing the weight of your head  is alot to ask such a delicate system and so your body does many things to compensate which results in a global problem.
No doubt you have also heard the saying, "Keep making that face and it will stay that way!" This too is true in that muscles and bones adapt and conform to the forces put on them in order to allow as normal a possible bodily function. There for, sitting long hours at a desk slumped forward, typing (or whatever you do), results in muscle shortening in the upper and lower body into a flexed position. This in turn pulls on the bones creating kyphosis, headaches, back pain, numbness/tingling, and many more problems.
What can you do to help fight postural pain and disease? Strengthening exercises for postural muscles, increasing your core stability and getting regular spinal adjustments to maintain alignment are proven to aid these conditions. Finally, the body loves motion. Get 30 min of walking/running/biking daily and get up every hour and perform extension exercises for your upper and lower body. It will thank you later!
* American Heritage Dictionary
^University of London, Archives of Internal Medicine
**Journal of American Geriatircs Society 10/2004

Monday, July 11, 2011

A doctors perspective- 21 day cleanse program

I am a big believer in trying things before I reccommend them to my patients. I would never tell them to do something that I would not do myself. Since I am a skeptic, I most recently I have embarked upon a 21 day cleanse diet from one of my nutrition companies- Standard Process. They are a whole food supplement company, which means that the products include real food, not derivatives that have been drawn out in a lab. Several of my friends and collegues have done it with good results. I do not eat very badly, but I had noticed some lack of energy and bloated feeling lately. I have never done a cleanse before, so I looked into the idea.

The idea behind a cleanse is to remove toxins and allow the body and organs some time to rest and clean themselves out. This will give you better function and absorption in the future as well as improved health and energy. Many reccommend you do one every 6-12 months due to the amount of toxins in our food and environment. There are many types such as colon cleanse, foot baths, massages, wraps and so forth. There are even more reasons to do it: Better sleep, clear skin, more energy, improved digestion... So, I decided to give it a try.

I ordered my kit, which includes the meal shakes, organ and colon cleaner supplements and a book about the program with step by step instructions. The first 10 days is vegetables and fruits only, with a small amount of rice or lentils allowed, along with the shakes and pills. Then you add 2-4 servings of organic, free-range/wild chicken or cold water fish day 11-21. While it is quite strict, I have been able to stick to the regimen. I did not have too much affect from toxin removal, but I was a little light headed and was hungry all the time. I was quite tired the first few days, as well. Now that I am past that, I have noticed  increased mental clarity and motivation, sleep like a rock, reduced bloat feeling and I have been losing weight. My body has adjusted well to the amount of food, as I am not as hungry. As I reach the end, I am looking forward to adding a little more carbs, but the the idea is that this is a lifestyle change for most. There is also a post-cleanse kit to help steer you in the right direction. I would defintely say that there are great benefits to doing a cleanse if you have the dedication to finish the program. I will definitely be doing one again. Once you start feeling better, you won't want to go back.

Always consult your physician before beginning a weight or diet program or before adding supplements if you are on medication.

Yours in health,

Laura McChesney, DC

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Are you eating yourself to death?

Are you eating yourself to death? Did you know that obesity is the second leading killer in the U.S.? 400,000 per year according to CDC. Only smoking kills more per year. Click this link to learn some more astonishing facts 4106 . Not only are we over weight, but we eat too many grains. This can lead to a constant state of inflammation in the body that causes pain and disease long term. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Laura McChesney, DC today to learn crucial health strategies that will put you on the road to better health. 352-351-4141

Monday, April 4, 2011

Who's Responsible For Your Health?

Even the physician's office is not exempt from today's "it's not my fault" attitude. Let's paint a picture: A patient comes to the chiropractor for low back pain. He has had it off and on for years. He has seen other doctors, with short lived success. He wants the doctor to treat him and "cure his pain", but he refuses to do any prescribed exercises and does not finish his course of care. Is the doctor responsible for this patient's failed treatment?

It is no secret that patients come to see doctors and expect to resolve their health conditions. The word "doctor" actually means "to teach". It is the physician's responsibility to educate their patients in how to care for themselves, and empower them to regain their health with positive lifestyle changes. However, it is the patient's responsibility to actually DO IT! There is no person or drug that can make you healthier if you fail to take action. How many people don't take their vital prescribed meds, or diabetics that don't care to monitor their blood sugar, because they don't feel like it. This is not referring to people with financial issues, this is just about the sheer desire to help yourself. From back pain to diabetes to heart disease, YOU have to do the work to change your life. Even small steps over time can be beneficial. You don't have to be perfect to benefit, but you do have to DO THE WORK!

My purpose, as is any other doctor's,  is to help as many people as possible, live the best life possible. To accomplish this, I need you, to help me, help you. WILL YOU HELP?

Yours In Health,

Dr. Laura McChesney, DC

Friday, March 4, 2011

Myth About Seeing A Chiropractor

Many people believe that you only need to see a chiropractor when you have a pain in your back, neck, or after an accident. This couldn't be farther from the truth. The whole premise behind chiropractic is to prevent, rather than to chase the symptoms. Once you have symptoms, you have already had the problem for a while, with the exceptions of forceful accidents. When you go to the doctor for a symptom, would you have the symptom if you did not already have the condition? Many conditions take years before there is even a sign, such as heart disease or cancer. For some, they never even have a symptom, such as a fatal heart attack without warning. Our goal is to help prevent the cause by keeping the nervous system operating at its highest level.

Chiropractic is a non-invasive, whole body approach to health. It has many applications from acute injury treatment to wellness to improving athletic performance. There are many people who see chiropractors to give them longevity in their jobs or because they enjoy the way they feel maintaining adjustments. I have attached a link to some legendary athletes who credit chiropractic as a key to their success HERE. I think you may have heard of a few of them. In fact, Hall of Fame receiver Jerry Rice is such a believer, that he is now a spokesman for Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. To see a few more successful athletes talk about their experience and watch Joe Montana get adjusted, follow this link.

Finally, people like to say that once you go to a chiropractor, you always have to go. Well, most people always go to the denist for check ups. The same can be said for adjustments, and I promise, it is far more enjoyable. Once you are out of acute care and into maintenance, chiropractic patients come back because they feel better, enjoy more productive lives, and are more in tune to their bodies. They come back monthly or several times a year to keep their bodies functioning at it's best. Now, you should beware of anyone telling you that you need several years of care at three times a week, but overall, we just want to help educate patients so that they can enjoy a better quality of life as long as possible.

My mission is the help as many people as possible, to live the best life possible. I hope that this will spur a few people into action, and give chiropractic a chance. Remember, you can interview your doctors, find someone you are comfortable with, that will answer your questions.

Finally, your health is your responsibility, doctors are only here to help guide and educate you. You must take the first steps with diet, wellness, and exercise. Here's to a long, healthy, happy life!!


Dr. Laura McChesney, DC
Chiropractic Physician

Monday, February 28, 2011


Hello and welcome to Back To Health, the blog of Ocala, Fl chiropractor Dr. Laura McChesney, D.C. I will be bringing you regular nutrition, research, exercise, health and wellness tips, with some inspirational thoughts sprinkled in. My mission is to inform my patients and friends of not only the benefits of chiropractic, but also the latest in health and medical news. I want to help as many people as possible, to live the best life possible.

"We never know how far reaching something we think, say or do today can effect the lives of millions tomorrow."- Dr. BJ Palmer, D.C.  The Developer of Chiropractic


Dr. Laura McChesney, DC