Monday, April 4, 2011

Who's Responsible For Your Health?

Even the physician's office is not exempt from today's "it's not my fault" attitude. Let's paint a picture: A patient comes to the chiropractor for low back pain. He has had it off and on for years. He has seen other doctors, with short lived success. He wants the doctor to treat him and "cure his pain", but he refuses to do any prescribed exercises and does not finish his course of care. Is the doctor responsible for this patient's failed treatment?

It is no secret that patients come to see doctors and expect to resolve their health conditions. The word "doctor" actually means "to teach". It is the physician's responsibility to educate their patients in how to care for themselves, and empower them to regain their health with positive lifestyle changes. However, it is the patient's responsibility to actually DO IT! There is no person or drug that can make you healthier if you fail to take action. How many people don't take their vital prescribed meds, or diabetics that don't care to monitor their blood sugar, because they don't feel like it. This is not referring to people with financial issues, this is just about the sheer desire to help yourself. From back pain to diabetes to heart disease, YOU have to do the work to change your life. Even small steps over time can be beneficial. You don't have to be perfect to benefit, but you do have to DO THE WORK!

My purpose, as is any other doctor's,  is to help as many people as possible, live the best life possible. To accomplish this, I need you, to help me, help you. WILL YOU HELP?

Yours In Health,

Dr. Laura McChesney, DC

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