Wednesday, September 28, 2011

MY HOW THE TIMES HAVE CHANGED! October Is National Chiropractic Month

My how the times have changed! People used to seek chiropractic care for back, neck and extremity pain due to manual labor, weekend warriors or working in their yard. Now they come due to aches and pains from sitting and playing on their phone. Of course, I am being a little sarcastic (not much, though). Many patients are still active and have overuse injuries and sprains from activity/work, but there is a new, overwhelming trend in healthcare. Patients seeking care due to overuse injuries and pains from using technology. OCTOBER IS NATIONAL CHIROPRACTIC MONTH and this year, the American Chiropractic Association's theme is Get Technohealthy! This means that our focus is to educate people on the hazardous health effects that may occur from using technology.

  • "In 2008, almost 162 million smart phones were sold, surpassing laptop sales for the first time.
  • More text messages are sent per phone than phone calls. The average number of text messages per month per phone is 357 compared with 204 cell phone calls.
  • A study at the University of Queensland in Australia found that text messaging is the most addictive digital service on mobile or Internet, and is equivalent in addictiveness to cigarette smoking. "*
While we still treat headaches, back, neck and extremity pain, more and more of it is coming from poor posture due to bad office ergonomics, sitting long hours, staring at screens and lack of movement/stretching/exercise. Certainly, this also contributes to America's ever rising obesity problem, but that is another discussion.

Well, I say out with the old and in with the new:
                OLD                                                      NEW
        Golfer's elbow                                       Cell phone elbow
        Runner's knee                                        Blackberry (or Gamer's) thunb
        Phone neck                                           Texter's neck
        Back pain from lifting                             Back pain from sitting
        Loss of height from age                          Loss of height from slumping at the computer (posture)
        Headaches from sun                              Headaches from monitors/screens
        Proper lifting/reaching posture                Proper sitting/computer/phone posture

Though somethings stay the same, such as Carpal Tunnel (or similar symptoms), there are just many more occurences. Instead of knitting or factory work, it is caused by using the mouse or keyboard.

Chiropractors are well suited to deal with these ever changing musculo-skeletal problems.
Following a thorough exam, we start with spinal manipulation to remove restrictions, aligning the spine and allowing it to move properly. Next, incorporate muscle (myofascial) work to remove scar tissue and stretch the muscles. Muscles move bones, so if balance is not restored, the muscles will pull the bones back out of alignment. Then, we instruct patients in stabilization/strengthening exercises to help maintain corrections, and educate the patient about the cause and solution to their specific problem. This hands on approach not only restore bodily function and balance, but it also informs the patient of what they do everyday that is causing their pain, and what they can do to fix it. After that, it is all up to you!

So, unplug, get up, get out, walk/exercise/stretch at least every hour, reduce glare on your monitor, use proper posture and ask a professional to help you set up your home/work station properly.

"Modern technology such as smart phones and texting is bringing people together in new ways…but it also has the potential to take a toll on our bodies and our health. As experts in ergonomics, doctors of chiropractic can help their patients use technology safely, avoiding unnecessary injury and strain, or treat the aches and pains that may already exist. Being TechnoHealthy also means knowing when to unplug and reconnect with the world around you through exercise and other wellness activities."*

Help Spread the Word!     Click here for more ways to get Technohealthy!

Yours in health,

Laura McChesney, D.C.

*Referenced from the website

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