Thursday, November 10, 2011


While I utilize several different treatments for the benefit of my patients, I am often asked about the Activator Method. They want to know how it works, if it is effective, and what the heck I am doing with their feet all the time?

First, I would like to point out that there is a difference between having an Activator, and being rated in the Activator Method. Many doctors own an adjusting instrument and refer to them as an Activator. Doctors who practice the Activator method attend seminars regularly and are tested to receive the ratings. These doctors are listed on the Activator Method website noted at the end of this article.

 The method is a step-by-step way to assess the spine and  relies on the body telling the doctor what it wants. I check a patients leg length to determine a short leg (not an antomical short leg, one that pulls short due to muscle contraction aka: functional). I balance the pelvis, then ask the patient to perform specific movements. Each one is related to a specific spinal segment. All the while, I am looking for changes in leg length. There are two leg positions, down and flexed to 90 degrees. Each will tell me what side and segment the body says needs attenion and an adjustment will be made using the instrument placed accordingly. Think of it this way, when you try to move in a direction that causes some pain or restriction, you send an "ouch" signal to the brain that will unconsciously make you pull away or muscles contract. That is what causes the leg to shorten. When moved into the direction of relief, it relaxes and evens out. This is done up the spine with focus on complaint areas. The end goal is for the feet to be level and the spine aligned when we are done. This creates balance from the feet to the head so that the body may function as intended.


WHAT IS IT? "Activator Methods International, Ltd. (AMI) has been providing chiropractic care, resources and training since 1967. The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a gentle, low-force approach to chiropractic care. The technique has been used safely on patients of all ages since the late 1960s, bringing relief to people with a variety of health concerns." It uses an instrument to deliver the adjustment instead of the hand. There are two levels of rating that doctors can train to achieve: Proficient and Advance Proficient.

"AMI has published clinical and scientific peer-reviewed papers beyond that of most chiropractic analytical treatment procedures. AMI’s mechanical force, manually-assisted adjusting instrument is recognized and covered by Medicare. The number of licensed professionals trained in the Activator Method is approximately 150,000 worldwide, making it the most widely used low-force chiropractic technique in the world. The Activator Method and the associated Activator Adjusting Instrument represent the only instrument adjusting technique with clinical trials to support their efficacy."

 "Incorporating the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations, this unique system of administering spinal adjustments using research-based analysis and the Activator Adjusting Instrument can help restore spinal balance safely and comfortably.The Activator provides a controlled, fast thrust that is comfortable for the patient. In fact, adjustments with the Activator are so quick and measured, the body’s muscles are less likely to resist, allowing for a more precise and accurate adjustment. By restoring spinal balance, chiropractic care aids the body in healing itself. And the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique accomplishes this goal through safe, effective and gentle low-force adjustments."

"Patients from all ages can enjoy the benefits of an Activator adjustment. The technique is especially helpful for children who sometimes have trouble laying still. The Activator adjustment is so quick and comfortable, children often look forward to their next visit! Older patients, or those with arthritis, osteoporosis or other bone-weakening conditions find the Activator Method to be effective and gentle. The low-force thrust of the Activator Adjusting Instrument, and the doctor’s ability to pin point the exact location of the problem through Activator analysis, can relieve a patient’s pain without discomfort."

"Though some believe that chiropractic care is intended to relieve neck and back pain, this form of therapy has more far-reaching benefits. A wide variety of health problems stem from spinal imbalance and dysfunction of the spinal joint and nervous system. Everyday living, stress and old injuries can cause vertebrae to lose their proper position or motion. This dysfunction can irritate your nervous system, causing pain and nerve interference throughout the body."

I am not just a provider, I am a patient and believer in the benefits of Activator Method. While no technique fixes all problems or serves all people, this one is worthy of a try by those who have not responded to other treatments, are afraid of adjustments, are sensitive to overstimulation, are fragile, or do not like manual manipulation.

Treats conditions such as: neck/back/jaw/extremity pains, carpal tunnel, TMJD, sciatica, whiplash, herniated disc, headaches, sacro-iliac pain and much more.

No matter which technique you choose GET ADJUSTED TODAY- you may be surprised at how great you will feel and wonder why you didn't do it sooner

Yours in health,

Dr. Laura McChesney, DC
Chiropractic Physician
Advanced Proficiency Rated Activator Physician
Ocala and Trenton, FL

All statments taken from Activator website:

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